Lucy, your article is riddled with distortions and falsehoods. If you had any citizen journalist integrity you would have checked your facts before you wrote this defamatory hit piece. The ABA was caught out lying about its behaviour in 2022. https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/breastfeeding-counsellors-exit-amid-row-over-use-of-mother-20220507-p5ajf5.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR02YswNuxcspItVptiKd6cNZljV7_vK97kl3a7u8uv5TU3GN79ULG3mpnA_aem_OLvw3E1UUkeHz8s5cS7l5w The problem is if pseudo Mothers (who are the fathers of these cruelly used babies) are supported to try to induce galactorrhea to affirm their gender identity it inevitably sabotages the pre-existing Breastfeeding relationship. If you knew anything about the physiology of breastfeeding you would understand this point. Breastfeeding is for babies.

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Galactorrhea is defined as the spontaneous flow of milk from the breast, unassociated with childbirth or nursing. A nursing transgender woman is not experiencing Galactorrhea, and for you to suggest that is such an incredibly stupid comment that it actually fails to be in the realm of offensive.

The idea that if trans women breastfeeding are only doing it, or are partially doing it to "affirm" themselves it would "sabotages the pre-existing Breastfeeding relationship" would suggest that any so-called 'selfish' reason for breastfeeding would do that.

So a cis woman who breastfeeds because:

- It reduces the risk of bleeding after the birth.

- help them return to their pre-pregnancy weight.

- Reduces their risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer and osteoporosis.

- Convenience

would "sabotage the pre-existing Breastfeeding relationship".

Of course that's absurd, but your position is one of bigotry not biology. You feel that trans women breastfeeding is icky and therefore it needs to stop. Your feeling that it's icky makes you search for a deeper meaning as to why transgender women breastfeed beyond feeding their child and improving the relationship between her and her baby. You cannot intellectualise disgust.

I concede that ABA may have had an issue at some point with being over the top with language, and I definitely do not support language like mother, breastfeeding etc being censored or reduced in any way. But the point stands that it seems that you were removed from the ABA for the active transphobia/anti-trans campaigning that you engage in in a public way, the ABA's statement supports that and I am merely repeating that. If they have defamed you, I would encourage you to take it up with them, but on balance it seems likely they have not.

Of course, I wish you no ill will, this is not a hit piece. It's a clarifying piece for those who want to know the truth about transgender women breastfeeding from someone who isn't actively trying to vilify us, after encountering your vilification in the media.

You have been radicalised by the gender-critical cult, I have seen it many times. Someone gets upset that their language gets policed by misguided people, they speak out, they get beaten down, then the TERFs come and lovebomb them, and radicalise them at the same time. And before you know it you're screaming on parliament steps about how it's actually secretly a fetish and the government are in on it. I have a lot of compassion for people like you, way more than I should considering your side wants to strip us of healthcare and exclude us from public life.

-- Lucy

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Lucy, almost everything you wrote about me in the initial article and your offensive follow up comment is a hit piece.

Galactorrhea is the term that refers to lactation in the absence of pregnancy. I don’t make the rules.

I did not at any time say that the complainant has a dangerous fetish. The complainant knows that the one time I used these words in the years long campaign of complaints and harassment against me was about an American step father. This individual has an only fans account where he disgracefully dresses as a baby cow and claims to have induced galactorrhea and to be a Mother.

Insisting on safeguarding boundaries against unreasonable claims to breastfeed as part of a gender identity right does not equate with transphobia.

Men are not Women or Mothers.

It is interesting that you concede the ABA did wrong by women and Mothers but you can’t see that it did this in response to pressure from people like you screaming about transphobia.

Respect is earned not demanded and men who claim they are “breastfeeding mothers” are profoundly disrespectful and aggressive towards women and mothers.

Thankyou for the opportunity to discuss the merits of male breastfeeding. As you are abusive and disrespectful in your exchange I will not respond further.

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I never said you called the woman a fetishist, In the article I said you had "call[ed] the practice a “dangerous fetish”."

The idea that we are aggressive towards other women by virtue of moving through the world as women is absurd and patently false, but I understand your need as a movement to paint us as violent aggressors. However, transgender women don't owe you permission to exist, just like how any other women doesn't owe you permission to exist.

Not agreeing with your highly offensive comments and opinions in regard to transgender women and our status as women is not abusive in the slightest. (Despite the fact that your attempts to strip motherhood from mothers, and womanhood from trans women demands violence to enforce and is on that basis abusive.) If you didn't want someone to challenge your indefensible opinions, I would suggest in future not doing a media circuit, which opens you up to challenge and criticism.

I will be holding all Australian Trans-exclusive Radical Feminists to account for comments made in the media, and I make no apologies for that. I'd advise if they don't want to be held to account, to not widely promote their harmful views. I'm not in the business of writing pieces on people of no note.

I wish you the best Jasmine,


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“So a cis woman who breastfeeds because:

- It reduces the risk of bleeding after the birth.

- help them return to their pre-pregnancy weight.

- Reduces their risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer and osteoporosis.

- Convenience

would "sabotage the pre-existing Breastfeeding relationship".”

Yes, women who breastfeed also experience some benefits to their own health. But really, are you REALLY likening a woman benefiting from (checks notes) not hemorrhaging anymore, to a male who utilizes his baby’s need for sustenance to affirm his magical gender beliefs?

Seems like we’re, yet again, brought back to a major element of the trans debate - in which the feelings of mentally ill males are either equated to or placed above the physical health and safety of females.

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Just a note that Jasmine was given freedom to be a bit more transphobic and shitty than we usually allow here because she is the subject of the article.

In future comments that misgender or vilify transgender people will be removed, you can make your argument without doing that.

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Then go ahead and remove my comments, because I refuse to lie about reality. I use correct-sex pronouns.

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>But really, are you REALLY likening a woman benefiting from (checks notes) not hemorrhaging anymore, to a male who utilizes his baby’s need for sustenance to affirm his magical gender beliefs?

Ah, yes, the "magical gender belief" that babies need food.

As opposed to your totally rational and scientific belief that breastmilk from cis women has a magical essence that's undetectable by any scientific tests that somehow makes it different from the exact same substance coming out of a trans woman or a cis man.

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Mary, you were warned previously regarding being shitty. We don't tolerate that shit here, being transgender is not a fetish, you can fuck right back to whatever hole you crawled out of with that opinion.

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Keep your perverted fantasies to yourself, creep. Why tf are you cisgender freaks so obsessed with sexually harassing trans women anyway?

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