I hate it. I don't feel like I can trust any other news website other than one run by and for lgbt+ people. But I also feel betrayed by my go to. They still have trans articles but you have to seek out the page instead of it being right there. And it is all because trans issues are 'contentious' and they want it to all be entertainment based. "we don't want to be seen as supportive of trans people cause the people with the money don't like that". I don't care about that. I want to know about how we are being oppressed, or how we are fighting oppression. Not which movie stars are bisexual or stuff like that. Not what I'm there for.

If anybody could tell me a better news site than pink news let me know lol.

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Lgbtq nation is probably better

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You have www.GAY45.eu (in English, called by others a kind of The New Yorker for queers) and www.Queer.de (in German, news, and better than anything, easy to translate in any internet browser). Europe's queer media need to be refreshed. In the USA we can not ask too much. It is a party-style media with more celebrities and gossip than news.

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I like Them as a lgbtq+ news site

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You mean to say you like them as an LGB Q website

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I watch the young turks on YouTube. They're very progressive 🖤

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Noooo, Ana has said some very problematic things about trans people in the recent past. Like a year ago.

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They're not entirely focused on trans issues, but they talk about a lot of issues including trans. 🙂

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Im pretty sure they have their own website and such too, but I just usually watch their videos lol

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While incredibly disappointing, disheartening, and cruel, we don't call it TERF Island for nothing. They're really living up to their reputation as a nation.

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Another example of how profit motive and allying with capital is harmful to lgbt people if the social winds change direction. The only thing the capital owners care about is money.

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Just a perspective of why this is important and needs to be challenged and highlighted (good job yall!). During the women’s rights movement, suffragettes said they didn’t want black women’s issues to detract from the forward progress and excluded them from marches. The women of Delta Sigma Theta said “NOPE!” And as a fledgling organization, forced themselves into the march. It changed history not only for the women’s movement but for black women in America. We can’t “exclude” one member of an oppressed group to “move forward progress” under the guise of “we’ll come back for them once progress is made”. We fight together and progress may be slower but it is more powerful together.

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This came up before on a uk trans reddit. A member of the team at Pink News tried to justify themselves. Any LGB person who thinks they are saving themselves by throwing transgender people under the bus are delusional at best , total arseholes at worst.

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That’s why I don’t actively read Pink News anymore. I just read LGBTQ Nation now. At least until they have a chance in leadership.

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If memory serves, this isn’t the first time Pink News has pulled back from coverage of trans news.

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Pink news, like many LGBT organizations was founded by a gay white man who doesn't really care about the trans community. They gay community has always tried to exclude us. They forget that we bring our own bricks

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I stopped reading their site awhile ago as I didn't think the articles were informative or well-written. This is disappointing to hear.

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There are two trans stories on today's landing page, both dated today. And one dated the 16th, which is the only story on the front page not dated today.

Especially on Twitter, and especially right now, it's important to expect attempts to sow dissent and division on the queer left; is it possible the post on the platform was such an attempt?

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Hey, it's not my intention to sow division. This is my new site, I am focused on stories related to Australia however this one was big and nobody was covering it at the time.

I had suspected something was up, as a few weeks ago I had noticed that PinkNews had removed trans as a category on their news dropdown.

As you can see here: https://web.archive.org/web/20240331235812/https://www.thepinknews.com/

Earlier this year Pink News had a trans section under the news dropdown, and now it doesn't. This + The leaked recordings feel like sufficient evidence for me to publish and share this.

Kind Regards,

Lucy Martinez

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Division sowed by the employees of PinkNews itself? Get a grip and stop being so naive. Millionaire CEOs like Cohen are not our friends, they don't care about the outcomes for us, they only care about profit and are happy to fuck us to get it.

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Dang it. I had stopped reading their articles awhile ago as they seemed less informative than other sources, but this is just disappointing.

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This is a good source of LGBTQIA+ news I trust https://www.wearequeeraf.com

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I check their news every day and had no idea this happened.

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You could try following Erin In The Morning (https://www.erininthemorning.com/)

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They have always been a liberal assimilationist outlet anyway.

fuck em,we don't want them,we don't need them.

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I gave up on pink news a long time ago as a result of their stance on trans issues. Clearly the money has replaced the conscience.

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