The alliance of transphobes within the center-right Victorian Liberal Party is exploiting instability within the party. This instability stems from their leader, Moira Deeming, attending a TERF rally where Nazi-style policies against trans people were advocated. Neo-Nazis were also in attendance, supporting the event.
Moira Deeming recently won a defamation case against the leader of the Victorian Liberal Party, John Pesutto, for defaming her by alledging she had directly associated with Nazis, when in reality she was attending and supporting an event the views of which align highly with the National Socialist Network’s views against trans people and the views of Nazism more broadly. That is, that transgender people are a threat to women and society, and must be eradicated or otherwise controlled; whether that be through forced medical restrictions, punative laws, or otherwise.
I am not alleging that Moira Deeming MP is a Nazi nor associates herself with Nazis nor is a Nazi sympathiser. Simply that her views on transgender people align fairly closely with nazi & neo-nazi views on transgender people, which is why nazis turned up in support of her event.

However, as a result of this court case, instability has rocked the Victorian Liberal Party Room, and the transphobes are making moves.
Bev McArthur, Liberal Member for the Western Victoria region, is a prolific anti-transgender activist within the party, delivering anti-transgender speeches within parliament and seeking to strip away the rights of transgender people to participate in public society under the guise of protecting women’s rights.

Bev took the initiative to strike while the iron is hot, telling ABC Radio on Friday about Mr Pesutto’s leadership “His assertion that he is the best person to lead the party can be tested, and good luck to him if he wins,”.
“If he’s so confident about his position, then he can easily call a meeting of the parliamentary party and put his case forward and declare all positions vacant.”
Moira Deeming has indicated she wishes to rejoin the Victorian Liberal party. Which to me is shocking because for someone who is such a destabilizing force within the party, to allow her to rejoin appears on the face of it, to be incredibly reckless.
Josh Pseutto was protecting his party from having it’s ideology aligned with gender criticals, and by extension, nazis. Without him, it’s possible the Victorian Liberals will move to stoke culture war nonsense and move to the far-right.